

Hello everyone! This is my first official blog and i hope you enjoy reading them. Most of my posts are comments and experiences on the gadgets i've owned...and also things that interest me. I'm also still learning how to customize my page - on things i need to include so please make your suggestions and comments to help me out. :)

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Sunday, March 30, 2008

Nintendo Wii

Ah, the Wii... sold out in stores and everybody is selling it and jacking up the price. :D I didn't get mine on its launch date either but i didn't pay extra. I got it on 11/20/06 :D I only enjoyed playing with wii sports and i thought my bro will use it but he ended up playing WOW (World of Warcraft) so it had to go. It had four wiimotes, two nunchucks, one controller, stand, and even the bad but it was just collecting dust because i wouldn't want to play alone in the basement. :D

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