

Hello everyone! This is my first official blog and i hope you enjoy reading them. Most of my posts are comments and experiences on the gadgets i've owned...and also things that interest me. I'm also still learning how to customize my page - on things i need to include so please make your suggestions and comments to help me out. :)

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Sunday, March 30, 2008

TomTom One

I love TomTom... never leave home without it. I found out about TomTom from my SE P910i because i used it on the phone. I wanted to get the US and Canada maps so i decided to get the navigator itself. TomTom One doesn't have those features for on-screen call or ipod compatibility, etc. that other TomTom products but i wanted to get one that's not bulky and easy to carry from one car to another. TomTom One XL is out but i'm not in need for an upgrade yet... this device is still serving me well. TomTom is user-friendly, you won't even need to read the manual. :D Only bad thing is when i'm in New York the signal gets lost and it just doesn't work that well in areas with tall buildings. I haven't tried other navigators so i can't compare it. I highly recommend TomTom though... most of my friends have it and so as my parents. :)

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