

Hello everyone! This is my first official blog and i hope you enjoy reading them. Most of my posts are comments and experiences on the gadgets i've owned...and also things that interest me. I'm also still learning how to customize my page - on things i need to include so please make your suggestions and comments to help me out. :)

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Thursday, September 25, 2008


HappyWakeUp is a smart alarm clock adapted into your smart mobile phone. 
It may also be called as a ArousalClock. 

The smart alarm clock wakes you up when you in the morning actually are already awake or almost awake. This phase of your sleep is called an arousal. 

HappyWakeUp does not try to wake you up when you are in deep and calm sleep of if you are in REM sleep (sleep phase with dreaming). These are the moments when it is most difficult to wake up. 

HappyWakeUp detects the natural cycles of your sleep and the optimal moments for your brain and body to wake up. 
This gives you 
- an easy wake up 
- an immediatelly refreshed feeling 
- no sleep inertia, no groggy feeling

HappyWakeUp - How it works?


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