

Hello everyone! This is my first official blog and i hope you enjoy reading them. Most of my posts are comments and experiences on the gadgets i've owned...and also things that interest me. I'm also still learning how to customize my page - on things i need to include so please make your suggestions and comments to help me out. :)

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

FakeTV Burglar Deterrent Device

FakeTV makes it look like you are home watching TV, even when you are not.
  • Dynamic and convincing occupancy simulation.
  • Computer controlled, super-bright multi-color LED Light output equivalent to a typical 27" TV.
  • Consumes just the power a night-light. AC adapter included.
  • Most televisions turn on with push buttons and do not work with timers. Burglars know this, making FakeTV very effective!
  • Built in light sensor turns FakeTV on each evening at dusk. Turns off automatically.


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