

Hello everyone! This is my first official blog and i hope you enjoy reading them. Most of my posts are comments and experiences on the gadgets i've owned...and also things that interest me. I'm also still learning how to customize my page - on things i need to include so please make your suggestions and comments to help me out. :)

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Monday, March 31, 2008

N95-2 Crystal Case

Cheapest case you can get for your N95-2. Never get the crystal case for the N95-1 because they'll just crack. Crystal cases for N95-2 (at least the one i got) are more durable and thicker so they don't crack. You can get them cheap from ebay starting at $3 shipped but you have to wait at least a week because they're shipped from Hong Kong. I'm still using mine till now so i'm very happy with it.

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